3 Reasons Why You Should Learn Adult Mental Health First Aid In the U.S.

by | Jul 18, 2022 | Mental Health

Millions of people in the U.S. are struggling with some variety of mental health issues. Acknowledgment and understanding of their struggle are of paramount importance. Thanks to the MHFA, also known as the Mental Health First Aid program, it is now much easier to understand mental illness. Here are three reasons why you should learn adult mental health first aid.

1. Stigma and Mental Health

There is usually a negative attitude that people have when it comes to mental health problems. This can be related to negative stereotypes about certain disorders or illnesses, disbelief in the importance of mental health, and much more.

2. Professional Help Isn’t Always Available

Therapy is widely available to many. However, not everyone can afford to get professional treatment. Members of the public who learn about mental health first aid can offer help to those who aren’t able to have access to professional help.

3. Many Do Not Seek Help

Due to the stigma associated with mental health, many do not make an effort to get help in treating their mental illness. Without treatment, mental disorders and illnesses can worsen and impact a person’s life greatly. Those who are trained in mental health first aid can be a resource to those who are struggling and hesitant to go the traditional route.

Mental health is one of the most important aspects of living a quality and healthy life. For more information, contact Health Counseling Services today at



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