5 Benefits of Hiring an Estate Planning Lawyer in Cicero

by | Dec 29, 2021 | Law

Over half of all American adults die without a will. While planning an estate may seem like a morbid, unpleasant task, it is everyone’s duty and a responsible way to act on loved ones’ behalf. Just as with other personal finance matters, estate planning requires specific skills to achieve a favorable outcome. An estate planning lawyer in Cicero can help with various aspects of the process while taking some of the stress away from the family. Here, potential clients can learn how they may benefit from legal representation during the estate planning process.

Avoiding Probate Court

The probate process is a largely clerical one an estate must pass through after a person’s death. While probate isn’t often contentious, it may tie up an estate’s assets and drain funds in the form of probate fees. An estate planning lawyer can use tools such as a revocable living trust to keep assets out of probate court.

Ensuring Assets go to the Desired Beneficiary

Estates without a will are subject to the laws of intestate succession, which can vary by jurisdiction. These estates are distributed to heirs according to their relationship to the decedent with no regard for that person’s wishes. However, an estate lawyer can help a person ensure that their assets go to the right people after they’re gone.

Anticipation of a Contentious Debate

Not all disputes are about money. Asset distribution can cause issues among family members even if items are of nominal value. Designating beneficiaries for specific personal belongings during the estate planning process can help families avoid conflicts after a person passes away.

Handling Complex Asset Portfolios

While property beneficiaries can be specified in a will, other assets such as life insurance policies cannot be handed down in this manner. An estate planning lawyer in Cicero can help a client sort through his or her assets to determine what goes to whom.

Ensuring That Burial Wishes are Followed

Many people have a vision of what they want their burial to be like, and others simply want to avoid family squabbles by requesting cremation and a simple memorial. Body disposition does not fall under a will’s control because the body is not considered a piece of property. However, an estate lawyer can help a client draft a document clearly expressing his or her burial wishes. Families can visit Koch & Associates P.C. Attorneys at Law to find out more or to schedule a no-obligation initial consultation.

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