Getting Ideas from Building Contractors in Laguna Beach

by | Aug 13, 2020 | Construction and Maintenance

When the decision is made to add another room to the home, it is not unusual for the owner to be a little fuzzy on the details. It helps to remember Building Contractors in Laguna Beach, can provide some practical suggestions that ultimately make the room more functional. Here are some of the points the contractor is likely to bring up and want to settle before providing the customer with a quote.

The Intended Purpose for the Room

Identifying the purpose, the new room will serve is a good place to begin. Building Contractors in Laguna Beach, understand the features associated with space that will serve as a home office are different from what may be needed for a guest bedroom. By providing the contractor with the intended use of the space, it will be much easier to discuss various options the homeowner may or may not have considered.

Storage Space

One of the points to address is any need for storage space within the new addition. Would adding a closet along one wall work out well? Perhaps having cabinetry built in along one wall that includes drawers, closets, and shelves would enhance the intended purpose for the space. It is easy enough to decide what, if any, type of storage would be right for the room.

The Placement of Outlets and Switches

Most rooms will need some source of power for an overhead light and at least a couple of outlets in strategic locations. It pays to think about where those outlets need to go. Depending on what the owner has in mind, it is often a good idea to have outlets installed on at least three of the four walls. Doing so will mean rearranging the space in the years to come will be a breeze, no matter what types of electronic devices are normally part of the layout for the room.

After reviewing the scope of the job and settling the details, the contractor can provide a quote. If everything is in order, the owner can accept the quote and a start date can be set.

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