Back Pain Livonia Chiropractors Seek To Ease Consumer Pain

by | May 7, 2013 | Health, Healthcare

Back pain is the second most common reason people call in sick to work after upper respiratory infections. It almost seems like an epidemic sweeping across America, these days, with one half of all employed people in the US saying they experience symptoms of back pain each year. In response to the numerous requests for help, Back Pain Livonia chiropractors are encouraging those suffering from low back pain to stop the cycle, give up the muscle relaxers and find true relief once and for all.

While a medical doctor sees a patient after a car wreck for back pain may prescribe pain pills, muscle relaxers or anti inflammatories, a back pain in Livonia Chiropractor is going to order x-rays and treat the back problems through hanad manipulations of the spine. Likewise, an orthopedic doctor might see the answer through surgery, a chiropractor might see the way to a pain free lifestyle through adjustments and massage therapy.
It’s a common myth doctors and chiropractors are at odds with each other, but in actuality, it couldn’t be farther from the truth. When modern medicine is not achieing the results patients need, modern doctors find themselves referring patients to chiropractors, and in turn, patients are tired of being tied to medicines for a pain-free existence. They want answers to why they have such pain. Chiropractors are seeking to heal the whole patient, not simply treating the symptoms. The philosophy behind chiropractic care is to care for the patient through general wellness and the prevention of diseases. By examining all patients for reasons beyond their initial visit, they’re able to develop a treatment plan stretching beyond the initial diagnosis.

A patient may initially come into an office for the lower back pain, but a quality chiropractor is going to delve deeper, finding out why the back pain is happening. For some people, the answer may be obvious, such is the case in car accident victims, slip and fall patients and sports injuries, but for others who fall victim to backaches due to obesity or other lifestyle issues, chiropractors may provide nutritional information, exercise suggestions, ergonomic and lifestyle advice, etc. With a holistic approach such as this, a patient can manage their pain from the very first visit to the chiropractor and even overcome it eventually, ridding themselves of addictive medications and life-altering surgeries.

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