Get a Holistic Treatment for Anxiety from a Therapist

by | May 21, 2021 | Health

In our modern world, millions of individuals suffer from anxiety. Some people are barely able to function because of this disorder. But others experience crippling effects. Unfortunately, when anxiety is left untreated, one’s quality of life can be seriously affected. Are you someone who suffers from constant anxiety? Read more about a therapist for anxiety near Chicago.

Unconventional Methods Are Offered

Conventionally, antidepressants are given to people with anxiety. However, these types of drugs can take weeks to relieve a person’s symptoms. The therapist for anxiety near Chicago offers ketamine infusions. Ketamine was utilized 50 years ago by physicians to produce sedation in patients. But over time, researchers found out that ketamine can help people with depression or anxiety. Ketamine can be applied through an IV. Patients are conventionally treated with ketamine six times over the course of 2 weeks. A patient could feel less anxious hours after getting treated with ketamine.

A Well-rounded Approach

The therapist for anxiety near Chicago offers more than just counseling services. A patient can receive, for instance, the Myers’ Cocktail. This cocktail, which contains ingredients like calcium and vitamin B-6, can relieve or prevent headaches. Furthermore, more stuff could be added to a cocktail. For example, folic acid, which has antidepressant properties, can be added to the Myers’ Cocktail. In this case, someone can fight both headaches and anxiety.

Patients are also supervised and treated by workers who are certified in emergency medicine. If you would like to learn more about how anxiety is treated contact us.

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