Back in the 1970’s faux wood paneling was all the rage. Yet if you took a sharp edge to this “wood” you would have found that it was little more than some sort of adhesive on plaster, or fake wood stickers on veneer board. It didn’t seem to matter because everyone who was anyone wanted it in their homes.
Now, one New York, NY wall covering company has brought back faux wood wall coverings for the modern era. They’ve updated the look and transformed this wood wallpaper by utilizing a surprising modern material.
Wood Wallpaper That Definitely Isn’t Wood
Vinyl has also made a comeback as a household material, except that it isn’t really linoleum anymore. Instead, it’s flooring that is anything but flooring in appearance. Likewise, wood wallpaper is also made of vinyl. This vinyl wall covering made to look like tree bark is most unusual, but that is half the charm.
Bark in Your Home or Office?
Humans currently spend a third of every day stuck indoors and never seeing any trees or green growing things. Applying this type of wall covering to your walls helps you feel as though you might be outside or working from the inside of a grove of trees. Pick any type of tree; cherry, walnut, pine, oak, birch, etc., and there’s a bark wallpaper for you.
If you would like some samples or you want to see how this would look in your New York home or office,