Healthcare Software Companies Support Clinical Practices and Standards

by | Apr 19, 2022 | Software Company

Healthcare software companies design solutions for EHR management, improving profit and cutting costs. Modern software engineers have designed SaaS solutions for clinical surveillance, safety, and risk. Additionally, practitioners may use the software to input documentation data without much effort.

Healthcare Software Companies

Partner with an established SaaS provider with a large footprint in healthcare. If you are a CMO, CMIO, or a CIO, this solution may greatly benefit your hospital. After all, since it monitors quality, safety, and risk, its data can be vital.

Automated Drug Oversight

Anticipating adverse drug reactions is simple when using an automatic software solution. As soon as a contraindication appears, the system notifies administrators, letting them respond. Furthermore, an automated system like this can lessen the liability assumed by practitioners.

NHSN Reporting Direct to CDC

Expediting workflows can improve adherence to clinical standards, hygiene, and patient outcomes. As a consequence, you may see increased compliance, lowering liability and risk overall.

Antimicrobial Stewardship

Even as standards improve, infection prevention remains a top priority among healthcare providers. Moreover, this software prevents drug mismatches, decreasing overuse and preventing drug tolerance.

Monitor Enterprise-Wide Safety Events

Utilize the hospital safety dashboard and its robust reporting algorithms to track safety. Since it detects safety concerns across the whole network, it benefits all providers. This solution decreases the time needed to manage safety events and simplifies escalation.

Streamline Audit Workflow

This EHR software can supply ready-to-use forms when completing audits, decreasing mistakes. Additionally, it will detect whether a case has met the criteria for an audit without any user input.

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