Hidden Treasures: 3 Tips for Successful Thrifting in Ann Arbor

by | Sep 27, 2022 | Thrift Shop

There’s no shortage of thrift shops in Ann Arbor, but before you start hitting the racks, it’s important to have a strategy. Good thrifting is about more than just diving headfirst into piles of clothes! Here are a few tips for getting your money’s worth in used or secondhand goods.

1. Shop at the Right Times

Mornings are the best times to hit up thrift stores; this will ensure that you have first pick at whatever was donated overnight. It’s also a good idea to shop for things like clothes, toys, and holiday decorations in the off-season. You’ll get better deals when shops are trying to unload these goods to make room for fresh stock.

2. Look for Name Brands

This is especially relevant if you’re looking for things like women’s clothing in Ann Arbor, MI. A shirt from a box chain store will probably be just as cheap if you purchase it new, so you’re not really saving money by getting it secondhand. On the flip side, a shirt from a designer label might be outside of your usual price range when it’s new, but it’ll be steeply discounted at the thrift store.

3. Wash Everything

Here’s a real secret from thrift shop employees: Things don’t get washed before they’re put on the floor. Always wash or clean them yourself after your purchase!

These are just a few tips for uncovering hidden gems during your next thrift shop adventure. For more inspiration, especially when it comes to women’s clothing in Ann Arbor, MI, hit up Kiwanis Thrift Sale at Kiwanissale.com.

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