Choosing a Cosmetology School in Virginia

by | Dec 12, 2013 | Beauty Salon and Products

If you like to experiment with hairstyles and cosmetics, and you have a passion for making people look great, you should consider attending a cosmetology school. The beauty industry is growing, and choosing the right school will allow you to learn the skills needed to be successful. Below are some factors to consider when selecting a Cosmetology School in Virginia:

  • Whether they offer scholarships or extended payment plans
  • Their admission requirements
  • Whether there is a student-run clinic or salon
  • If class schedules are firm or flexible
  • If job placement assistance is available
  • Whether they’re accredited
  • The programs they offer

You should review each potential program carefully to determine whether it will meet your needs. Different beauty schools offer a variety of benefits, and you should research them thoroughly to find the right school.

Training Requirements

It can be hard to choose a Cosmetology School in Virginia, and to make the right choice, you’ll need to learn what you need and what to look for in a school. One of your first considerations should be the particular school’s admissions requirements. Most schools’ requirements are relatively similar, requiring a minimum age and at least a GED, but variances can occur.

Class Schedules

Many beauty schools have flexible schedules, offering day and night classes, and some allow students to attend either full- or part-time. Flexibility is an important consideration for parents and working adults who can’t afford to quit their day jobs, and a part-time program may be a better fit in those cases. The schedule you choose will affect your completion time; it may take longer to finish if you go part-time, but it will be easier to balance work, school and life.

Services Offered

A Beauty School in Virginia should offer a mix of practical and classroom instruction. Learning procedures and techniques is useful, but hands-on experience is essential to your long-term success. Virginia’s state licensing exam includes clinical and theoretical components, and the more well-rounded your education is, the more prepared you will be.

Choosing a Program

There are many programs offered in the state’s cosmetology schools, and you’ll need to decide where your focus will lie. If you want to be a hairstylist, nail technician, esthetician or massage therapist, you should narrow your search to schools offering that type of training. However, a comprehensive course will leave you ready to take on any beauty-related career.

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