Many dental patients mistakenly believe that cavities result from wear and tear. They believe that if they are careful, the tooth won’t get any worse. However, they are very wrong. A cavity is the result of a bacterial infection that eats away at the enamel of the teeth. If the dentist catches it early, the cavity can be easily cleaned out and the hole filled with a dental filling. However if the patient ignores the symptoms, their only hope may be to have one of the dental Root Canals Keizer OR performed.
If the tooth enamel is allowed to decay, then the bacteria can travel into the lower portion of the tooth. This is the root that holds the tooth securely in place. This part of the jawbone also contains a great many never endings. Therefore an infection can be very painful. Often it is the extreme pain that forces the patient to call the dentist for help. The dentist will determine if the root is still intact. If it isn’t then the tooth will have to be removed. If the tooth root is salvageable, the it’s time for the dentist to perform one of the dental Root Canals Keizer OR.
Many patients think that dental Root Canals Keizer OR will be a painful procedure. However the dentist will administer a powerful anesthetic to keep the patient from feeling any pain. All they will feel is a gentle tugging as the dentist moves the small wire back and forth to clean out the infection. Then a long and flexible medicated temporary filling will be inserted. The dentist may also prescribe antibiotics to further fight infection. In about 10 days the dentist will see the patient again. He will then confirm that there is no infection present and insert a permanent filling into the roof of the tooth.
Because the initial infection and Dental Root Canals Keizer OR can weaken the upper portion of the tooth, it is often necessary to put a porcelain crown over the top of the tooth to stabilize it. If the patient follows the dentist’s instructions on cleaning their teeth and has regular checkups, the root canal and crown should last for many decades.