Why Older Adults Should Be Regularly Visiting A Dentist in Pomona

by | Feb 3, 2014 | Dental Services

Most people already know how important it is to see the dentist, however, as you get older it becomes even more important. Often times those who are the oldest are the ones that experience the most dental complications. Older adults tend to see more cavities, decay, and missing teeth. Let’s take a look at a few of the problems older adults should try avoiding.

You have probably seen seniors walking around with teeth that seen dark and dingy. This dingy look isn’t something that can be easily fixed with simply brushing your teeth. Darkening teeth tend to develop when people constantly consume foods and beverages that cause stains. Dark drinks like coffee tend to leave teeth with dark spots over time. Without proper brushing these dark spots could permanently stain and damage your teeth. Sometimes the only way to reverse darkened teeth is to have a Dentist in Pomona whitening your teeth with bleaching agents.

Those who are older also tend to suffer from bad breath and missing teeth. Both of these problems are often due to a decrease in the amount of saliva being produced in the mouth. Saliva is important for proper oral health. Saliva helps to eliminate the debris and residue that’s often left in the mouth. Without the proper amount of saliva older adults could experience bad breath. Teeth will also begin to decay because the lack of saliva allows bacteria to form which will eventually eat away at your enamel. If you begin to experience dry mouth, you’ll want to Visit a Dentist in Pomona as soon as possible. The problem might be due to medication or an underlying disease.

As you can see there are a number of dental problems that seniors can run into as they get older. Darkened teeth can be very unsightly and very distracting. Teeth whitening by a Dentist in Pomona should be able to fix the problem. A lack of saliva, that might be caused by medication or disease, can lead to more complications. The more you frequent the dentist the less likely you are to experience these problems. Dentists are able to replace teeth with Dental Implants or partials if something were to happen. Read more

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