Support From Afar: The Impact Of An Online Donation In India

by | Mar 11, 2024 | Charitable Trust

Thanks to technology, individuals from around the world can make donations to charitable trusts throughout India. Donations through the charity’s website are used to fund specific programmes and projects that charitable trusts manage with various other NGOs throughout the county.

This is an ideal way for an individual living outside of the country to make a secure online donation to India. Selecting a charitable trust that provides the programmes, support, and benefits to a group of individuals you care about makes it easy to donate once or to set up monthly donations to continue to fund your cause.

Medical Care and Services

For many people living in poverty, medical services and support for chronic health conditions, physical handicaps, or vision or hearing loss is impossible due to the costs of medical care. Making a monthly online donation is provides ongoing funding to help pay for medical camps and services that travel to the patients, providing them with free medical care.

Educational Programmes

Children are often unable to go to school when the family is living in poverty. Targeting your online donation to India to help with educational programmes that provide books, traveling libraries, food for school children, or education scholarships ensures children get the education they need to find better paying jobs.

In addition, many of these children use their education to help their families, communities, and to give back to others. Some of the children on scholarships are able to go to college, helping them prepare for a very positive future.

If you live outside of the country, you can make a secure online donation to India through Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust. To discover more about our projects, please visit our website or explore our Instagram.

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