Get More Out of That Water Heater With Quality Water Heaters Repair in Alexandria, VA

by | Jan 24, 2017 | Plumbing and Plumbers

Heating water for a home or business can be done using several methods. For instance, the property owner can install solar heating panels on the roof. This system can be extremely durable, but it is usually outside the budget of the average property owner. A common alternative is the tank-based water heater, and it comes in two different kinds. One is the gas-burning model and the other uses electrodes inserted in the tank for generating heat. While these appliances are reasonably reliable, they occasionally fail and require expert water heaters repair in Alexandria, VA.

For example, an electric model can develop problems with the thermostat and stop sending the electrical supply to the element. The thermostat controls when the element turns on or off. This electrical switching system can fail due to poor signal input, worn components, or oxidation inside the device. Electric water heaters can also quit heating because an electrode breaks. A broken electrode could be the result of age, but it may also be caused by excessive heat. Heat level is controlled by the thermostat, and a malfunctioning thermostat could prevent the device from shutting off. Most failures in an element show up as a break on one side, usually close to the electrical connection.

Gas-burning units often fail because the fuel ignition system is faulty. However, they can also develop a problem in the metering device. This can be a dangerous situation because of the possibility of an explosion. Another reason that gas units need professional water heaters repair in Alexandria, VA is that exhaust systems get blocked. A gas-burning water heater has a hole through the center of the tank for the release of fumes. This tube can clog and block the gasses from exiting properly. Not only is this a health hazard, but it can also affect the quality of the flame. A poor flame may be restricted if the supply of oxygen is limited. A hot flame is necessary because thermal energy is transferred to the tank and then to the water. A poor flame may never generate enough heat to raise the water temperature to a level suitable for bathing or other cleaning purposes. Get more details about water heaters from the professionals at Business Name.

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