Was Your Child Injured During Birth? Call a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Today

by | Mar 2, 2017 | Law Services

Parents often say that the birth of their child was the happiest day of their lives. They were able to go home with a healthy baby. For some families, however, the birth of their baby becomes a day of grief. And a few don’t realize that their child suffered a birth injury until some time has passed.

Birth injuries generally require considerable expensive medical care over the years, perhaps for the rest of the child’s life. In order to ensure that their child receives this essential care, the parents will generally seek assistance from a medical malpractice lawyer. It’s important to protect the legal rights of both the baby and the parents.

The Two Most Common Causes of Birth Injuries

Each case is unique but, in general, a birth injury is a result of one of two causes. In rare instances, both could occur.

* The doctor fails to assess the condition properly or doesn’t respond appropriately. The doctor could have failed to diagnose a pregnancy disorder such as hypertension, used a medical implement such as forceps improperly, didn’t perform a cesarean section when needed or didn’t recognize a problem affecting the baby in the womb.

* The baby was injured because of something concerning the mother’s prenatal care, including problems caused by prescription drugs. There are a number of prescription drugs that have been found to be dangerous to the unborn baby.

Is the Injury a Birth Injury or a Birth Defect?

Medical malpractice cases are always complex since they involve both legal and medical issues. When a child is born with cerebral palsy, for example, this may have been caused because the baby did not get enough oxygen during labor, resulting in an avoidable birth injury. Other cases of cerebral palsy are the result of an unpreventable birth defect. A thorough examination of the circumstances of the birth and all of the medical records will be needed.

Approximately 5 out of every 1,000 babies are injured during birth. Some of these injuries were completely preventable.

Was your child injured during birth? Diane M. Sternlieb is uniquely qualified for medical malpractice cases. In addition to being an experienced medical malpractice lawyer, Business Name is also a registered nurse. She has a unique perspective which she dedicates to helping her clients receive needed compensation for medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Visit Website Domain to schedule a free consultation today.

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