Trying to obtain disability benefits from the Social Security Administration is never easy, as most applicants are denied the first time they apply. Getting social security disability benefits in New Bedford, MA usually requires the hiring of an attorney who specializes in this area of the law, since it is unlikely that an applicant will ever be successful on their own. For people with no work-related disability insurance, Social Security disability benefits are the next best thing, which is why so many people apply for them year after year.
Disability Benefits Come in Many Types
There are many reasons why a person could be considered disabled. It could be because of certain physical conditions such as the inability to walk, severe arthritis, or being deaf or blind, or even psychological conditions such as depression or schizophrenia. If you are unable to work and are interested in receiving Social Security disability benefits, you’ll more than likely need an attorney who specializes in this area. They can then walk you through the process and prepare you for what to expect next. If you schedule an appointment with a lawyer, they can go over all the details of the process so that you can get everything started quickly.
Sometimes a Long, Drawn-Out Process
Sometimes dealing with the Social Security Administration is a long process, which is yet another reason to hire an attorney. There is a lot of paperwork to be filled out and since it may take a year or more to receive your first payment, getting social security disability benefits usually means that you should begin as soon as possible after your disability starts. A good Social Security attorney knows what the administration looks for when reviewing your paperwork and can help you fill it out properly as well as assist you with any appeals that you wish to file after you are denied.