Tips For Preparing For Your First Appointment With the Bankruptcy Attorney In Tacoma WA

by | Dec 26, 2017 | Law Services

Trying to get rid of overwhelming debt can become a nightmare. When individuals have attempted to overcome their debt and are still facing problems, it behooves them to seek help from a Bankruptcy Attorney In Tacoma Wa. With the help of an attorney, the process of overcoming debt will be much easier to deal with. With this information, individuals will better understand how they should prepare for their appointment with the attorney.

What Should Be Brought to the Appointment?

It is wise for individuals to consult with a Bankruptcy Attorney In Tacoma Wa so they can learn about their rights in filing for bankruptcy. A consultation allows individuals to discuss their financial records so the attorney can offer their client sound advice on which bankruptcy will be most beneficial. The following pieces of information should be brought to the initial consultation.

Individuals must be able to prove their identity before being allowed to file for bankruptcy in the United States. A person should plan on bringing in their photo ID and their social security card so these can be filed with the paperwork.

It is also important a person is able to prove their income. A person must provide the courts with their monthly proof of income from all sources, for the six months prior to the filing. It is important a person brings in at least seven months of pay stubs and other proof of income, including income from real estate and unemployment.

Individuals who are consulting with an attorney will need to bring in their banking records for at least two months.

Applicants will need to bring copies of the last two years of their tax return statements.

Call For a Consultation

Individuals who are having trouble dealing with their overwhelming debt are urged to seek legal help to see if they qualify for bankruptcy. With a consultation appointment, individuals can learn more about their options and what will need to be done in the process.

Call the office today and schedule your appointment. They help individuals legally overcome their debt so they can start a brighter financial future with as little stress as possible.

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