It really is true what Tevye, Lazar Wolf, and company say in Fiddler on the Roof – sometimes, it takes a wedding to reinvigorate us with thoughts of good fortune and make us say “Let’s live another day!” Nowhere is this thought more pervasive than in Jewish weddings. All wedding traditions are beautiful in their own way, and Jewish weddings have the benefit of being able to call upon thousands of years of (say it with us) “Tradition” to help inform the ceremony. So, once you’ve played “Matchmaker” and have found that “matchless match,” it’s time to start planning the wedding.
If you are set on having a traditional Jewish wedding, or are otherwise eager to incorporate elements of it into your ceremony, you’ll want to look into the best wedding chuppahs in Maui.
The Significance of Chuppahs
Within the Jewish marital tradition, there is some variance on the full significance of wedding chuppahs. For example, while for all sects they represent a shared point at which bride and groom meet, in a mirror of the homestead to come, Orthodox communities typically require these chuppahs to be outside, beneath the sky itself. Reformed and less strict communities, meanwhile, are less strict about that, placing more emphasis on the symbolic significance of wedding chuppahs themselves as the site of marital union.
Purchasing Your Chuppahs
Whatever your beliefs may be and wherever you choose to place the chuppah, when you work with the best sellers of wedding chuppahs on the island of Maui, you are certain to find a design which works with your wedding aesthetic. Moreover, you will be able to get the chuppah in question delivered to and picked up from your wedding site with ease.
Browse our website and see for yourself what a rich assortment of chuppahs we have for sale for Jewish and all other couples looking to utilize this wonderful set piece for their wedding ceremony.