Home Care in Portland: Taking Care of the Elderly at Home

by | Apr 1, 2013 | Health

There are a few important things to remember when caring for an elderly loved one. For instance, it’s important that he or she is as comfortable and safe as possible. At some point, you might want to consider getting Home Care For Elderly Washington DC. A professional home care aid will see to it that you or your loved one is taken care of when you’re not around. For example, they will monitor and make sure that he/she has taken his/her medication. They will feed your loved one and even help them with daily activities.

In addition to investing in Home Care For Elderly Washington DC, here are a few helpful tips to remember that will help make your life and the life of your loved one easier.

Make Life Easier for Your Loved One

Place plenty of bottled water and healthy beverages close to where your loved one can reach. This is important if your loved one is immobile and unable to get up and go on the whim. For example, you can get a mini refrigerator and place it in his or her bedroom. That way, they don’t have to get up to go into the kitchen just to get something to drink.

This is also very good because it will keep him/her well hydrated. Often times, many people will neglect drinking water because it requires getting up and walking a distance into the kitchen.

If your elderly loved one suffers from dementia, it may not be a good idea to have a lot of mirrors throughout the house. Believe it or not, this could actually confuse a person if they are unable to recognize their reflection.

Does your loved one watch a lot of TV? Purchase a special remote control with larger numbers. Also, if they like to talk on their cell phone, it might not be a bad idea to get a cell phone designed for the elderly. These phones have large numbers that light up. If you can, consider purchasing solid color clothing for your loved one.

This actually makes it a lot easier for them to choose an outfit to wear. Choose colors such as, white, cream, black, green, and tan. Another good thing to do is organize their closet in a way that it’s easier for them to find things in the morning.

Right at VMT Home Health Agency offers provides quality Home Care For Elderly Washington DC. For more information on home care services, visit: vmthc.com

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