It is normal for teens to go through a phase in which they show a lot of concern for their appearance. Many teens have issues with acne when they go through puberty. It may be hard for parents to decide whether or not they should take their teen to see a Dermatologist Minneapolis, MN.
It may be best for a parent to take a teen in to see a dermatologist sooner than later. Establishing good self-esteem is very important for teenagers. If they do not feel good about themselves or have to deal with negative comments from others, their self-esteem can suffer. Working with a dermatologist to get help with acne can help improve how they feel about the way they look. A dermatologist can also give them information about how to care for their skin and the different factors that can affect how their skin looks. This can help give kids the motivation needed to establish healthy eating and grooming practices. Sometimes teenagers will listen more attentively to people other than their parents. There are dermatologists who have a lot of experience working with young adults. Their advice can be invaluable to teens and their parents.
If a teen has severe acne or has not been able to improve their skin with the use of over the counter products, they should be taken to see a dermatologist. Early occurrences of acne scarring should also spur parents to take their teenagers in to see a doctor. If the situation does not get under control quickly, a lot of damage can be done that may take a lot of time to reverse. Parents and teens should be prepared to speak with the doctor about how long there have been skin issues and products that have been used to try to improve the skin. It is important that parents and teens make sure they understand how to use any prescriptions they may receive and potential side effects should also be discussed. Parents should also take the time to talk with their children about how having acne is making them feel. Children may not volunteer this information on their own. However, it is good for them to express their emotions with a supportive person.