A Child Support Attorney in Frederick, Maryland When You Need Defense

by | Nov 2, 2017 | Law Services

When a woman has a child and is not married to the father, she may find that she will have a file for child support, which may also be true after a divorce. The purpose of the child support is to ensure that the child or children are properly cared for, and it is the responsibility of both parents to make this happen. Sometimes both parties involved will not cooperate, and the party with the child may have to get an attorney. A Child Support Attorney in Frederick, Maryland helps clients to get what their child or children deserve in a court of law.

Dealing with Child Support Issues

The main problem is establishing what is the proper amount of child support depends on a lot of factors that may have to be looked into. For example, the income of each party is taken into account, and the amount of physical custody is also looked at when determining the amount of the child custody. Even if both parties agree on an amount, it is still ultimately the courts that decide how much the child support should be.

More on Child Support Issues

Child support is taken very seriously, and the responsible party has an obligation to pay that amount until the child or children are 18 years old (19, if still in high school). Failure to pay this child support will end up with the party in default spending time in jail, which will make it more difficult for that person to be able to pay. Thus, if there are any issues with child support, whether it is the party with the child or the party who has to pay, it is wise to consult an attorney for help.

An Attorney to Help with Child Support

Russell & Heffner, LLC are attorneys who have been providing child support solutions to clients in the Frederick, Maryland area for over a combined 60 years. In addition, the attorneys help clients with bankruptcy law, wills and estates, and drunk driving laws. If there are any who are in need of a Child Support Attorney in Frederick, Maryland, the attorneys are available. Get more information by visiting the website.

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