Aluminum is one of the most versatile materials used in industry today. It can be alloyed and tempered to provide a number of important properties and drawn into a large variety of aluminum extrusion shapes. Here is more about this interesting metal and the many shapes you may find.
Aluminum is used in many places where corrosion is a possibility. This is why you will see it used in production of ocean going vessels and craft venturing far off into space. In fact, some alloys of aluminum are so strong they can be made into steel beams for huge buildings.
Malleable means easily formed or transformed into many shapes and sizes. The properties of aluminum make it easy to produce all kinds of aluminum extrusion shapes. But what is extrusion?
The Extrusion Process
Extrusion is a method for producing shapes by passing aluminum through a die to create a desired shape. In some cases, the aluminum is heated beforehand but it may also be done at room temperature and this is called cold extrusion. In a standard extrusion process, an aluminum billet is placed in a machine with a ram and a die. The ram pushes the aluminum through the die, producing aluminum extrusion shapes. Here are some of the shapes possible:
* Angles
* Channels
* Tubing
* Wire
* Rods
* Beams
* Bars
* Curtain rods
* Window or door frames
* Gutters
* Siding
* Roofing
Benefits of Extrusion
Aluminum extrusion shapes can be created in a cost effective manner. The process is not expensive, compared to many other forms of production. Creating dies for extrusion is not difficult and they can be used over and over again.
With extrusion, all kinds of shapes and sizes can be created. For example, aluminum extrusion shapes can be large or very small, and there is no limit to what can be created with this process.
Extrusion Methods
There are three basic methods for extrusion. Those methods are direct, indirect, and hydrostatic. Here is a brief look at them.
* Direct – aluminum is put in container and then rammed through a stationary die.
* Indirect – both the container and aluminum billet move through the die. It’s faster because less friction is created. However, the billets must be perfect as surface defects easily show up. This is also called backward extrusion.
* Hydrostatic – pressurized fluid surrounds the billet and this greatly reduces friction and creates an even flow process. Yet, defects can be a problem and billets may need to be machined beforehand.