Avoid Anxiety Issues With Sedation Dentistry in Southington CT

by | Apr 12, 2020 | Dental Services

Regular visits to the dentist are the best way to ensure healthy teeth. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that cannot handle going to the dentist for a variety of reasons. The most common issue that patients face is the fear of people working on their teeth and the pain that it might cause. Thankfully, there is a way around this problem known as Sedation Dentistry in Southington CT. This method of controlling anxiety has been nicknamed sleep dentistry, but this is not an accurate term because very few patients are actually asleep. True sleep dentistry would involve serious anesthesia and an environment with hospital grade equipment and staff.

There are various levels of sedation that a dentist can employ. The most common are the use of nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. The dentist will supply a slow feed of the gas, so the patient is relaxed while remaining coherent. This makes many dental repairs much easier because the dentist and patient often need to communicate. For more demanding procedures such as root canals, the dentist may recommend the use of something stronger. One common medication is diazepam which is frequently used for treating anxiety. This is a rapid acting medication that is also used in emergency rooms.

Certain medications that are used for sleep therapy can also be useful in Sedation Dentistry in Southington CT. Triazolam is one of these and this particular medication is frequently used for short-term procedures. It does not induce a deep state of sleep, but it can cause the patient to doze. There are times when medications will be mixed and the use of triazolam with an antihistamine can produce an even more relaxed state.

Keep in mind that sedation dentistry will leave the patient groggy and they will require someone to take them home. The drowsiness from the medication can last at least an hour or more and operate a vehicle is not safe while in this state. This is especially true if the dentist is required to use intravenous delivery for the sedative. Of course, this method of delivery is only used in severe cases because it requires special training.

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