Breast Augmentation Cincinnati OH- What Does it Entail?

by | Feb 27, 2013 | Health

There are various reasons as to why women may decide to undergo breast augmentation. Most people may undergo this procedure if they consider their breasts to be under developed. Many women are born with breasts that are not proportional to their bodies. For instance, the breasts could either be too large or too small and this may highly affect the woman’s self esteem. Changes could also occur on the breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Changes in breast volume and shape could also change after weight loss or due to aging. All these are some of the factors that could make a woman seek breast augmentation Cincinnati OH.

How can you tell whether you are the right candidate for breast augmentation? If you are often bothered and feel that your breasts are too small, augmentation may be the thing for you. You could find that clothes that fit you perfectly on the hips and on other body parts are often too large at the bust line. Some women may be too conscious in such a manner that they feel awkward when wearing a swim suit or other garments that reveal the form of their breasts. It is common to find that your breasts differ in size; one could be bigger than the other. If the difference in size is noticeable, you can the problem corrected through breast enhancement.

You could be wondering how breast augmentation also referred to as mammoplasty is achieved. This procedure is usually achieved by surgically inserting an implant behind each breast and this changes its size. The procedure is normally performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The surgery may be conducted on an outpatient basis and in some cases, overnight stay at the hospital may be recommended. Surveys indicate that in many parts of the world, breast enhancement is the most commonly performed form of surgery.

There are generally two types of implants that are used during breast augmentation Cincinnati OH. They are the silicone and the saline implants. Both types of implants normally consist of silicone outer shell but the different exist in the inner composition of the implants. The saline implants are filled with sterile or saline water. On the other hand, silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel. Majority of women and doctors as well prefer the silicone implants. The feel of these implants is considered to be more like the natural breast tissue.

The two types of implants are implanted differently. For instance, saline implants are usually filled after being implanted .The saline implants require a smaller incision than the silicone implants. If you are planning to undergo a breast augmentation, you need to understand the different types of implants. You can then make a choice of the preferred option.

For additional information breast augmentation Cincinnati OH, what it entails, the right candidate for the surgery and reasons why women seek breast enhancement, visit

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