Chicago Medical Abortion by Abortion Pills

by | Apr 30, 2013 | Health

In Chicago, Illinois the abortion pill is available in the name of mifepristone. Abortion Pills are safe and effective in avoiding in surgical abortion. These are medicines which are used to put an end to an early pregnancy. It is available in drug stores in the name of mifepristone and it was termed as RU-486 during its development phase.

Effectiveness of the abortion Pill

The medical abortion with the use of the abortion pill Chicago women use is very effective and its success rate is 97 out of 100 patients. The patients are advised to seek their doctors after the use of the medicine to ensure that it worked well. Some of the abortion pill causes serious birth defects if the pregnancy is continued.

Procedures during chemical abortions:

Women may feel nervous about having a chemical abortion but many of them feel better if they know what to expect. Their health care provider will provided details of questions regarding the abortion pill Chicago clinics provide.

Before taking the abortion pill, Chicago patients are advised to enact following steps:

1. They should discuss their options.
2. Discuss their medical history with their doctors.
3. Have laboratory tests performed.
4. Read and sign documents.
5. Have a physical examination which includes an ultrasound.

The patient will be provided with a medication guide, information and instructions to take home with them. The process of chemical abortion begins immediately after consuming the abortion pill.

There are three stages:
Stage One -the abortion pill

Stage Two — the medicine Misoprostol

Stage Third –Follow up

It is more important that the woman undergoing these stages get full support from her relatives or close ones to overcome from physical and mental stress during the medical abortion. When considering the abortion pill, Chicago women should know that it is just one of many available options.

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