Common Dental Problems: An Overview

by | Apr 18, 2013 | Dental Services

White teeth are sometimes confused for healthy teeth. However, having a set of white, bright teeth does not necessarily guarantee a healthy set of teeth and gums too. Many a times our focus is spent on teeth whitening products and and we fail to realize that we may have much bigger problems such as bleeding gums, mouth sores or tooth decay. For you living in Springfield, it is important that you visit a Dental Clinic Springfield VA if you notice any of the following problems.

Bleeding gums can be a sign of gingivitis or gum disease, or they can be a result of a milder cause such as brushing your teeth too hard. If you have a new flossing technique or you have changed up your tooth brush and brushing technique, then a little blood should not cause you to raise an alarm. However if you experience regular bleeding and soreness then it is time to visit the dental clinic Springfield, VA.

Virus infections or fungal infections normally manifest themselves as mouth sores. Most people pay little to no attention to mouth sores and they assume that they will go away on their own. Although certain mouth sores certainly do heal themselves and disappear, you should take precaution by visiting your dental clinic Springfield VA before ruling out any causes. Smokers who chew on the tobacco are more likely to have mouth sores.

Candy, sodas and chocolates are life’s most common guilty pleasures. It is a craving that most of us simply cannot resist; the joy of indulgence is just too sweet to decline. However, every action has its consequence and eating too much candy will more often than not result in a toothache and tooth decay. Cavities are the second most prevalent disease in the United States. Cavities occur when the plaque that sits on our teeth mixes with the sugars and starches of the food we eat.

Cavities can be prevented if we simply avoided foods and snacks high in sugar and ate healthier foods such as vegetables. Another simple way to keep your teeth safe from decay is by brushing and flossing them often while maintaining regular checkups at the dental clinic Springfield VA. This is an effective yet simple way to keep our teeth strong and healthy.

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