There are so many creative ways to use ice for a party or special occasion. Ice can be used as a focal point when a sculpting ice block in Long Island, NY is carved into the perfect centerpiece. Ice can also be used as a luge to make serving drinks a playful activity that’s fun for all ages. No matter how one chooses to use it, ice is a vital element at any gathering.
Ice Sculptures
Whether a stock item sculpture is chosen, or a sculpting ice block in Long Island, NY is purchased for the DIY-er to create a masterpiece at home, carved ice creations can wow a crowd and provide an unusual focal point that guests will remember long after the party is over. Clear 300-pound blocks of ice provide a blank canvas for the person who wishes to engage in sculpting a personal piece and Long Island Ice & Fuel can reserve one for pickup if arrangements are made in advance.
In Stock Ice Sculptures
While the idea of carving an ice sculpture from a 300-pound block of ice may sound intriguing, chances are it’s not a reality for everyone. However, there’s no need to fret about it when prefab pieces are available, or an ice sculpture can be custom ordered and carved by a professional. Of course, any special order should be placed well in advance to guarantee that it will be ready on time.
Ice Luges
What’s a party without a fun way to serve the drinks. A luge offers an interactive way to get the guests to open up and relax, and a luge can be used for alcoholic beverages or nonalcoholic drinks. As with an ice sculpture, a luge can be purchased as a ready-made item or custom ordered to fit a specific theme or company logo. A luge is simply a block of ice with one or more channels running through it so that a beverage can be poured into the top and end up in a glass waiting at the end.
When planning a special event or occasion, consider making ice part of the decor. Ice sculptures and luges are always a show stopper, and they can be purchased as pre-carved or custom designed to fit a specific theme. A display made from ice is guaranteed to make everyone smile. Visit the website for more information.