Contractors Providing Pool Services in Eau Claire WI Help Property Owners Keep Wildlife Out of Swimming Pools

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Swimming Pool

Residential property owners wanting to hire Pool Services in Eau Claire WI to construct an inground pool in the yard may have one particular concern: keeping wildlife out of the water. In this part of the country, many wildlife species routinely roam through residential neighborhoods and may be attracted to a big body of water in a backyard. They can be a nuisance here and the swimming pool also can be dangerous for them.

Chain-Link Fencing

A chain-link fence around the pool area will keep some animals out but not all of them. The fence would have to be taller than the usual height for this structure if it is to block deer. Many animals are willing to climb a fence, including raccoons. Squirrels can jump in from tree branches and chipmunks get in from the spaces at the bottom. Ducks, geese, wild turkeys and other birds can fly right in.

A Separate Area for Wildlife

Depending on the situation, the property owners might create an area for wildlife away from the pool. That can include a couple of birdbaths as well as one or two big containers of water on the ground. The critters will be less interested in the pool with its sanitizing chemicals if they can get water from another source.

Pool Covers

Contractors providing Pool Services in Eau Claire WI can provide advice on the best kind of cover for the swimming pool. Some covers are not recommended because wildlife can get under them and become trapped. If the property owners really don’t want to deal with a cover when they are swimming every day, the design of the pool should be considered before it is even built.

Pool Design and Escape Equipment

Smaller creatures are much more likely to fall into a pool while trying to get a drink. Most wild animals can swim naturally. To help smaller animals get out of a pool if they fall in, a shallow end without a steep wall allows them to climb out. Other possibilities would include a ladder or stairway that animals can use to climb out. More information is available from a contractor like Sebesta Pools & Spas.

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