Do You Have a Judgment on Real Estate in Your Name?

by | Oct 14, 2022 | Financial Services

Having a judgment on your property can create quite a burden. For those who don’t know, a judgment is tied to a debt. The judgment means that, should you fail to pay according to the designated time period, the debtor would be able to collect on that debt.

With a judgment on real estate, it can feel as though a cloud is hanging over the property at all times. With the help of Mayflower Judgments, you can get out from beneath that cloud.

Sell Your Property

One of the quickest ways to get out from beneath that judgment on real estate is to facilitate a sale. But that can be much more difficult than it sounds when there is a judgment involved.

By going through the proper means, you can not only get out from beneath that judgment but walk away with cash in hand. It is the best possible solution for trying times like those.

Get a Fresh Start

The most important thing about facilitating a sale is getting out from beneath that judgment. The judgment can create tension that cannot be properly articulated. By making the sale and getting out from beneath that judgment, you can start anew.

Having a judgment on real estate in your life does not have to be the end of the world. Though it is a difficult time, there is a solution that can help create peace and fresh beginnings.

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