Some people try to save money by not hiring an attorney to handle their divorce. They think because they don’t have a lot of assets, they can file the paperwork themselves and dissolve the marriage without the expense of an attorney. In many cases, this is a mistake. Not hiring an attorney might even cost more in the long run than hiring divorce attorneys in Hollywood FL in the first place. When you don’t have a lawyer, you have to count on your estranged spouse to tell the truth. If they have property they didn’t tell you about or an investment account you aren’t aware of, you could lose out on the opportunity to divide those assets. After all, you probably wouldn’t be getting divorced if you trusted everything your spouse told you.
Even if your spouse is completely honest with you and you agree on all of the conditions of your divorce, you could still experience delays if you file your paperwork without an attorney. Divorce attorneys in Hollywood FL understand the court rules and are more likely than an individual to get the paperwork completed accurately and on time. They deal with the courts on a regular basis, whereas you may only get divorced once in your lifetime. In cases where both parties are in agreement, the legal fees are surprisingly low. Without spending all of your money on fees, you may be able to ensure your divorce decree includes everything you and your former spouse agreed to.
By working with skilled lawyers, you can be sure your documents are filed correctly and that you don’t have to wait an unnecessary amount of time to get divorced. If your spouse has hidden assets, you can count on your lawyer to find them so you can get your fair share of the assets accumulated during your marriage.
Additionally, a lawyer could help you negotiate any sticking points in your divorce, such as parenting time with your minor children, to reduce the likelihood of you having to go back to the judge for a modification.