Many couples around the world try to get pregnant every year. Some will succeed, and others will not. It is important first and foremost to understand that getting pregnant is not an easy task by far. It can take up to a year or two for a healthy couple to get pregnant. When you factor in things such as age and preexisting medical conditions getting pregnant is like a gamble you take every month. So before you start panicking you should know that not everyone that does not get pregnant in their first year of trying has fertility problems. Follow these steps before you stress yourself out with worry.
- One mistake that many couples make when faced with fertility problems is searching the internet. While the internet can be a great place for informative information, when it comes to your health you could be diagnosing yourself with conditions that you don’t even have. Therefore your first order of business is to go and speak with your doctor. If you have been trying for over a year and have had no success your doctor will be able to tell you what lies ahead. If in fact you are suffering from infertility your doctor will test you and get you the best possible treatments available.
- Another common cause for fertility problems in both women and men is smoking. If you are a smoker it’s possible that ditching your habit will open the doors to a new baby. Women that smoke reduce their chances of conceiving each time, whereas men can drastically decrease the amount of sperm they have for producing a child. Either scenario could prolong or eliminate your chances of becoming parents.
- Weight is very important when trying to conceive. If you or your partner happens to be over or underweight this could cause fertility problems. Watch what you eat and adapt a new routine for exercise in your day. You can consider asking your doctor what an ideal weight might be for your age as you are trying to get pregnant.
- Another way in which women have begun dealing with their fertility problems is through tracking. You could simply be having intercourse on the wrong day. Therefore knowing your ovulation cycle is key to getting pregnant. You can easily track this yourself by tracking your periods on a calendar and checking your body for signs of ovulation each month. This way you and your loved one can plan around those times to increase your chances.
- Were you aware that stress is one of the top reasons for fertility problems in both women and men? Do you lead a very hectic or demanding lifestyle that would result in a lot of stress? Are you and your partner tense when you try intercourse due to the day’s events? If stress is a part of your daily life you should consider finding ways to calm down before you try and conceive a child.
These are just a few pointers that couples have tried in the past to deal with their fertility problems. If you however feel that these steps are not getting you anywhere you should consider consulting with a fertility specialist right away.