When you first appear for your appointment with an optometrist, you’ll be asked to fill out a form with questions about your general health. The form will also ask you to check off specific reasons why you’ve requested an appointment. For example, if you already wear Eye Glasses Clarksville, and it’s been more than a year or two, you may find your eyes straining to see, which may mean it’s time for a new prescription. You may be getting headaches. At a certain age, you may have a harder time seeing objects at a distance while driving and at the same time you may have a hard time seeing correctly when you read or do computer work.
Doctors of Optometry can administer a series of tests during your eye examination that can catch eye diseases like cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, kerotaconus, and macular degeneration. After the doctor has examined your eye health, and if you’ve expressed a concern about your vision, the doctor will conduct vision tests to determine your vision range, such as asking you to read several rows of letters that get progressively smaller.
After determining your range of vision, the doctor will determine the right prescription for your Eye Glasses Clarksville by asking you to compare what the distant letters look like through a series of different lenses. The right combination of lenses can help patients who have a range of vision problems. If you are nearsighted, you have myopia, which means you have difficulty seeing distant objects clearly. If you have farsightedness, or hyperopia, you have more difficulty seeing close-up objects clearly.
Patients who are typically around age 40 or over may develop presbyopia, a condition marked by noticing that it becomes more difficult to see up close, and they have to sit further away from the computer screen or hold a book away from themselves in order to see it. Presbyopia can be helped by a prescription for bifocal glasses, which are lenses that help a person to see close objects clearly through the bottom half of the lens and see distant objects clearly through the upper part of the lens.