Four Easy Cleaning Tips for Off Campus Student Housing in Austin

by | Dec 9, 2019 | Apartments

The worst time to clean your place is when it’s filthy. By doing a little light cleaning here and there, you can avoid ever having to scrub grime while on your hands and knees. Listed below are four easy cleaning tips that don’t take much time and will make your life in off campus housing in Austin much better.


Use a dust mop for hardwood and tile flooring and sweep daily or every other day. Vacuuming is also recommended about once a week, especially to get in awkward corners. In addition, use a wet mop with hardwood-floor soap every few weeks. For carpet, make sure to vacuum weekly or as needed and steam clean it every couple of months if you really want it to look great. If you do these things for your floors every so often, you won’t have to scrub them when it’s time to move out.


Rings develop quite quickly in bathtubs, toilets and sinks. They’re difficult to get out once there and make your fixtures look trashy. To prevent this, use a cleaner at least once a week to scrub out your toilet bowl, sinks, and tub. If you never see a ring, then you’re doing something right.


Appliances are notoriously difficult to clean when they’re filthy, and they only get that way from lack of regular cleaning. Take the time to wipe down the stove after every cooking session and empty and wipe out the refrigerator every week or so. You’ll notice that doing this for all of your appliances will keep them in a perpetual state of cleanliness.

Windows and Ledges

Ledges collect dust, and windows get smears and spots. It’s easy to run a duster across your ledges weekly to avoid getting a significant dust build-up. And your windows; they’re simple to clean when there’s only a streak or two.

Contact Muze today for luxurious off campus housing in Austin.

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