No matter where you look, paper information is becoming a thing of the past. Many organizations now keep all their pertinent data stored digitally. It means quicker and easier access to the documents that are needed.
But getting rid of that information also requires a little more work. With hard drive destruction in Denver from XpresShred, you can get rid of any digital information safely and securely. That means there is no chance that someone who shouldn’t be accessing the information can get a hold of it.
Responsible Shredding
With hard drive destruction in Denver, think of it as responsible shredding. Obviously, you can’t “shred” digital information. But there are secure, safe ways of not only removing hard drives from a work site but destroying them as well.
There is the potential for a ton of information to be stored on a single drive. The data within can potentially be accessed by hackers if not disposed of properly. To dispose of that digital information, the physical drives need to be destroyed and turned into unrecoverable bits.
A Consistent Process
The right process means scanning serial numbers of drives to provide a chain of custody in the event that something goes wrong. The hard drive and other devices are destroyed so that they are unrecoverable. When they have been properly disposed of, you (the customer) get a certificate of destruction to verify that the information has been disposed of safely and securely. This gives you peace of mind in knowing your information has been safely disposed of.