Getting A Male Cat Neutered

by | Jul 11, 2016 | Animal Hospitals

If someone obtains a male kitten, they will want to take then necessary steps in having their pet neutered in Alexandria VA when it becomes old enough to have the procedure done. Male cats will often mark their territory by spraying urine on the area. This can become a hassle within the home, often making the pet owner distraught as a result. The cat may also try to get outside a lot to mate with any unaltered female cats in the area.

Having this procedure done will help make the cat more docile. They will no longer try to urinate on items in the home and will be easier to keep inside as well. The procedure usually done by a veterinarian. The cat will need to be dropped off during morning hours and then picked up at the end of the day. In some instances, the veterinarian will keep the cat overnight for observation if they appear to be having trouble recuperating from their surgery.

After the cat is altered, the pet owner will need to make sure it is able to relax in an area away from other pets in family members. The cat may try to bite at their stitches, so it is best to try to distract them from doing this if possible. The veterinarian may provide the cat’s owner with a plastic cone apparatus for the cat to wear around its neck if they cannot leave the stitches alone. The stitches will most likely dissolve, making it unnecessary to have them removed after the area has healed. The veterinarian will however, require that the cat be brought back to the office for a follow-up visit to make sure they are healing properly.

If someone wishes to have their pet neutered in Alexandria VA, they can contact a veterinary service in their area to tend to this procedure. Contact a facility like Business Name to find out more about the surgical procedure. The cat will most likely need to have an initial check-up to make sure they are healthy enough to have the neutering procedure done without risk to their health.

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