Go to an Animal Hospital in Sugar Land If Your Cat Has a Flea Allergy

by | Aug 2, 2016 | Health

One of the most common conditions affecting a cat is an allergy. An allergy happens when the feline’s immune system over-responds to a foreign substance, also called an antigen or allergen. Antigens and allergens are basically foreign proteins that the immune system attempts to remove. Therefore, a reaction to an allergy can manifest in one of three primary ways. The most common response is an itchy skin, either one that is generalized, or all over the cat’s body or one that is localized, or seen in one spot. Coughing, sneezing or wheezing result from an allergy too. Digestive disturbances, as well, can be attributed to an allergy and may take the form of diarrhea and/or vomiting.

Cat Allergies

In a cat, four types of allergies exist that are regularly seen at every animal hospital in Sugar Land. These allergies can result from a flea, contact, inhalation or a food. In the case of a flea allergy, a cat may experience a minor skin irritation in response to a flea bite.

Some cats, however, experience a severe reaction, which is a response to the antigens or proteins that are found in a flea’s saliva. In an especially allergic cat, one flea bite can cause intense itching and that response may last for several days at a time.

When You Need to See a Veterinarian

Needless to say, you need to take your cat to an animal hospital if it is scratching excessively. Continual scratching can lead to scabs or open sores on the skin. In turn, the sores or scabs can trigger a bacterial infection. Usually, the area that is most often involved is just over the rump or in front of the cat’s tail. Click here for more info about the animal hospital in Sugar Land.

Obtain intervention at an animal hospital as soon as possible if you believe your cat has been bitten by a flea and it is scratching its skin or is in the process of licking and chewing the hair off its legs. Any scratching or loss of hair around the neck, head, or base of the tail should be a clue that FAD is involved.

Bsiness Name offers the best care for your pet in Fort Bend County. Visit them.

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