Guarding Your Mouth With A Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece

by | Aug 2, 2019 | Health

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious medical condition in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted over the course of a night’s sleep. If you think you might have this condition and are looking for sleep apnea treatment Tampa FL, you should learn everything you can about it.

  1. Types of Apnea

There are four kinds of sleep apnea.

  • Obstructive- This is caused by relaxing throat muscles. It’s the most common form of apnea.
  • Central- This happens when the brain doesn’t properly regulate breathing muscles.
  • Complex- This is a combination of the other kinds of apnea.
  1. Symptoms

The most common symptoms are interrupted breathing while sleeping, loud snoring, gasping for air during sleep, and dry mouth. Patients with apnea report insomnia and related problems such as irritability, fatigue, and difficulty paying attention while awake. People with sleep apnea are more likely to have workplace or traffic accidents.

Serious complications may arise from this condition. Apnea patients are more likely to have high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, and heart attacks. Multiple incidents of low oxygen levels in the bloodstream can cause sudden death from an irregular heartbeat.

Those who suffer apnea are at greater risk of developing T]j9hype 2 diabetes and liver disease. They are at risk for metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by high blood pressure and blood sugar levels as well as weight and cholesterol problems. They are more likely to encounter complications after major surgery.

  1. Treatment

If you suspect you may have this serious condition, you should come in for sleep apnea treatment in Tampa FL, where doctors can either allow you to perform home sleep tests that monitor things like blood pressure or airflow, or nocturnal polysomnography, involving an overnight stay during which a patient is hooked up to equipment that can monitor breathing, heart rate, and the like. A range of treatments are available, from CPAP machines and other equipment to various forms of surgery.

If you think you need Sleep Apnea treatment in Tampa FL, contact Bay Area TMJ and Sleep Center.

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