Hold Your Doctor Liable for Your Medical Injuries in Dallas, TX

by | Feb 20, 2023 | Lawyers

Doctors cannot lower the standard of care for any patient. However, if a doctor causes harm or avoidable injuries, they may be liable for medical malpractice. Consulting with a Dallas medical malpractice law firm may help determine if you have a case against your doctor.

Discriminating Against a Patient

Doctors cannot discriminate against patients or fail to provide adequate healthcare based on their personal beliefs. All patients must receive the same standard of care regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Doctors who refuse care or provide poor healthcare for these reasons are liable for all injuries or damages sustained by the patients.

An Act of Malice

Malice is a deliberate act to cause a patient’s injuries. Laws prohibit doctors from providing care for relatives and former romantic partners. The same laws protect patients who have no connection to the doctor against reckless acts of misconduct. If a doctor is found guilty of an act of malice, they could face criminal charges. Discussing the case with a Dallas medical malpractice law firm could help.

Refusing to Roll with the Times

As medical advancements are made, doctors must update diagnostic testing, treatment, and healthcare practices. Doctors who refuse to comply are liable if a patient sustains injuries or their condition worsens.

Medical malpractice claims are the result of doctors’ failures. Federal laws give all patients access to high-quality healthcare standards. Doctors who don’t adhere to these laws face civil lawsuits because of their actions. Contact Van Wey, Metzler, and Williams or visit today.

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