How A Social Security Lawyer Can Help You Win Your Claim For Disability Benefits

by | Jun 21, 2017 | Law Services

Social Security in the US has been in effect since the time of President Roosevelt; the intention was then and still is to help those that are about to retire. It was not until the mid 1950s that Social Security began paying benefits to those that could not work because of a physical or mental disability.

Rarely would a person about to claim retirement benefits need to employ a Social Security lawyer, the same cannot be said for those applying for disability benefits. It would be logical to think that after paying into Social Security for years that getting disability benefits would be a simple matter; it is not.

It may be hard to believe but a full two thirds of all applications for Social Security disability benefits are denied, it is at this time when many applicants turn to a Social Security lawyer in Detroit.

Is it expensive to hire a Social Security lawyer?

This is an obvious question; most people that are unable to work due to a disability will not have a great deal of money.

The costs to hire a Social Security lawyer are quite easy to understand; they are capped at a maximum of $6,000 or 25 percent of the back pay you are eventually awarded. Your lawyer will take the case of contingency, there is little or no upfront money required, the lawyer gets paid directly from the SSA when he or she wins your case.

The appeals process:

Anyone denied benefits when they first claim have the right to appeal the decision. The first step is to ask for a reconsideration of the decision; rarely does this result in an award. The majority of unfavorable decisions are overturned when the case gets to the hearing stage. It is here where you and your Social Security lawyer in Detroit have the opportunity to meet with an Administrative Law Judge where questions can be asked and answered and vocational and medical experts can be cross examined. About 65 percent of applicants that reach the hearing stage are approved for benefits.

If your claim for disability benefits has been denied you should hire a Social Security lawyer in Detroit to help with your appeal. To discuss the details of your case you are invited to contact website.

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