Buying insurance of any type is protection against unexpected events that may happen in our lives and temporarily take away our ability to look after ourselves emotionally, physically, and financially. You need the income to tide you over as you still need to look after your dependents even though your earning capacity has greatly been affected. There are many kinds of insurance, but personal injury protection or PIP insurance, will help you make ends meet if you suffer a personal injury, but how does PIP insurance work?
What Does PIP Do?
When you asked your insurance agent how does PIP insurance work, they probably told you a lot of wonderful things, such as it will pay for the following when you are injured:
*Hospital expenses and surgery
*Prescriptions expenses and services
*Any related diagnostics
*Ambulance transport services
*Cost of rehabilitation services
What Happens When You File a Claim?
When you file a claim on your PIP insurance, the insurance company normally does one of three things with your claim:
1. Accepts it as it is or suggests changes to then accept the claim.
2. Denies it completely for reasons they specify.
3. Reduces the claim for reasons they specify.
If for any other reason your PIP claim has been either reduced or denied by the insurance company and you and your physician don’t agree with their findings, you need attorneys who are experienced and well prepared to handle your claim.
When you have an issue with your insurance company you can contact a lawyer who will, if needed, challenge your insurance company in court to claim the amounts rightfully due to you as denied or reduced by your insurance company.
Your Lawyers
If you need more clarifications on the question of how does PIP insurance work, the lawyers at business name are experienced enough to answer your questions.
They have over 12 years of experience in the areas of personal injury claims and personal injury protection and have successfully defended half a million PIP claims on behalf litigants all over the state of Florida.