There should be no place for bullying in a peaceful society. Unfortunately, kids in school, adults at work, and people in other circumstances must deal with bullying. Even those who claim to be against bullying might unknowingly be a bully because they have a narrow definition of what bullying is.
Bullying does not need to be extreme. Like most things in life, bullying is on a spectrum. It can go from relatively mild to extreme. But the only way that society can truly protect people against bullying is if people realize that different types of behavior, often behavior that is considered acceptable, is really bullying. Armed with this information, people can be better equipped to stop bullying and protect its victims whenever it is seen.
Bullying can be divided into three types. There is verbal bullying. This is when a person says something that is harsh or mean about another person. It can range from inappropriate sexual comments to threatening to cause a person harm to name calling.
Social bullying is when attempts are made to destroy a person’s reputation or relationships. The goal is to leave a person feeling isolated. Sometimes it is done by spreading rumors about a person or trying to embarrass them in public or in social media.
Physical bullying, including pushing, tripping, punching, hitting, or breaking a person’s things, is the most commonly recognized type of bullying. Regardless of its form, bullying hurts and can leave a person devastated for many years.
Learn more about different types of bullying and see how I SHOUT OUT is giving a voice to people who are oppressed by visiting this website.