How Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment in Arlington, TX Helps Injuries

by | Jan 31, 2019 | Health

You may have heard about platelet-rich plasma treatment in Arlington; TX is taking off or seen PRP from stars Kobe Bryant or Tiger Woods. But what exactly is this treatment? In a nutshell, it’s the body using its’ resources to heal specific injured areas.

How It Works

The first step of platelet-rich plasma treatment in Arlington, TX is to draw out the patient’s blood. From there, it is then put into a centrifuge. In the centrifuge, platelets and blood are separated from each other. These platelets have proteins called ‘growth factors’ that expedite tissue healing.

The idea is when platelet-rich plasma or PRPs are injected into injured tissue such as a muscle, tendon or ligament, it helps the injury heal much faster. Researchers believe PRPs in surgeries may expedite the healing process. Platelets, along with red and white cells, are contained in human blood. So when platelet-rich plasma is added, the blood clots faster and aids in repairing the injury.

Where PRP Works Best

Researchers discovered evidence a platelet-rich plasma treatment in Arlington, TX will best benefit in the following areas:

  • Elbow tendinopathy
  • Ankle arthritis
  • ACL reconstruction surgery

Where Researchers Are Still Investigating

Researchers are still working on finding enough evidence to support helping the following tissue areas:

  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Knee osteoarthritis
  • Achilles tendon injury

Get in touch with Zen Interventional Pain and Wellness Center for platelet-rich plasma treatment in Arlington, TX today! Alleviate your pain and accelerate your body tissue healing with our expert-led procedures.

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