Do you feel symptoms associated with depression and have not been experiencing adequate benefits when taking prescribed antidepressants? If so, then you are probably wondering what else you can do or who to turn to that will provide you with a more effective treatment plan.
You may or may have not heard about ketamine. Ketamine has been used since the 1970s as an intravenous or IV anesthetic. In 2019, ketamine was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treatment-resistant depression. Ketamine therapies in Denver CO can offer treatment options or programs that may help reduce or resolve feelings of burnout, existential anxiety, identity challenges, and others. In addition to treating symptoms associated with depression, ketamine may also be used in programs that help treat bipolar disorders, PTSD, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders.
Ketamine Administration Options
There are three ways that ketamine therapies in Denver CO can be administered, IM or intramuscular injection, IV infusion, and sublingual. Each method offers advantages over the other which may include convenience and comfort.
Take the First Towards a New Beginning
Perhaps you are growing increasingly interested in this type of medication and are now searching for the best ketamine therapy clinic in Denver CO. Visit The Catalyst Center, INC. They have serviced many clients for several years through decades’ worth of expertise. You can trust them to help you pave a pathway towards a new beginning. So when searching for the leading ketamine therapy clinic in Denver CO, they are the ones you should visit right away. Visit Web for an appointment and directions today.