How to Get More Accurate Results From Your Eye Exam in Colorado Springs

by | Oct 11, 2021 | Health

Every one to three years, you should schedule an eye exam in Colorado Springs, CO. If you’re young and in good health, you should only need an exam once every three years, but older adults and those with chronic health conditions should undergo exams more regularly. As the date of your exam approaches, there is certain information you should gather to help your optometrist provide you with more accurate results.

Make a List of Symptoms

If you have noticed that your vision has changed or you experience other eye-related symptoms, make a list for your doctor. You should write down when you experience blurry or limited vision. You should also document your experiences with headaches, eye pain, or light flashes.

List Your Medications

If you’re taking any medication, you should write down the name of each medication along with the dose size and frequency. This includes any dietary supplements you might be taking. You can also use your phone to take pictures of each bottle for better accuracy.

Write Down Your Questions

If you have specific questions about your vision health, be sure to write them down. Your eye exam in Colorado Springs, CO, is the perfect opportunity to learn more about protecting your vision. Since there are conditions that affect vision as people age, learning more about eye health now will help you later as you reach your senior years.

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