Nothing is worse than having a leaky basement; left unchecked, it can cause much bigger problems and compromise your entire foundation. Basement waterproofing in MA is a simple process and is best done by professionals. It is a quick and convenient way to help prevent water from getting into your basement. There are other measures you can take as well to prevent leaks and cracks. Here are just a few:
* Check the slope of the ground around your house: Which way does the water run after a rainfall? It should run away from your house, not toward it. The easy fix for this is to build up more dirt around your foundation’s perimeter.
* Plant trees and shrubs well away from your foundation: Tree roots can wreak havoc on a foundation. They are strong and wind themselves under your foundation, causing cracks that may be hard to fix. Getting rid of the roots is a complex process, not to mention a costly one. Plant large trees and shrubs at least a few feet away from your foundation.
* Clean gutters and eaves troughs: Leaves and other debris can build up and water can back up into your home. Clean these regularly, at least twice a year. If you don’t want to do it yourself, hire a handyman or professional company to do it for you. This is one chore that shouldn’t be left off your home maintenance list.
* Check the direction of downspouts: These should be directed away from your foundation and should shoot water at least a foot away from the foundation. Don’t let it pool just outside the foundation or you may find water seeping in.
Basement waterproofing in MA is a necessary step in the overall waterproofing process. Call a qualified company to give you a quote and a customized plan for your home. Contact Basement Technologies at website for more details.