Both milling and sizing are considered the most common machining process found in the manufacturing as well as metalworking industry. It is important to understand that both of them are just the ideal methods for proper machining. They simply make every process with machines suitable, especially for the needs of the finished section. Keeping that in mind, you should now know about the different kinds of sizing and milling.
Respective Types of Sizing and Milling
Read below to know about the types of sizing.
1. Pure Sizing – It is a kind of sizing that is used for producing an unbleached fabric with up to 10% size ingredients.
2. Light Sizing – It is used for dyeing and printing with 11-15% size ingredients.
3. Medium Sizing – It is used in warp yarn with 16-40% size ingredients.
4. Heavy Sizing – It is a kind of sizing that is also used in warp yarn with more than 40% size ingredients.
Though milling and sizing are completely different in their work role, both carry the same approach toward the machinery. Anyway, look below to know about the different types of milling now.
1. Slot Milling – It is a kind of milling that is used for making a slot in the workpiece.
2. Horizontal Milling – It is ideally used for developing dovetails, flat surfaces, gears, and keyways.
3. Side Milling – It is a kind of milling that is perfect for producing a flat vertical surface in the workpiece.
4. Straddle Milling – It is something that is used for getting lots of parallel vertical surfaces in a single cut.
If you are looking forward to making the most of your machines, you should consider conducting milling and sizing operations respectively. They are perfect for helping you get the ideal outcomes with your machines, as both methods are user-friendly.