Laser Hair Removal in St Paul, MN and Other Dermatology Procedures

by | May 28, 2013 | Health

Some of the cosmetic enhancement services available from a dermatology clinic include removal of varicose veins, removal of the appearance of broken blood vessels in the face, removing scars, and removing excess body and facial hair. Hair removal is a popular service because excess hair, especially on the face, can directly affect a patient’s self esteem. Laser Hair Removal St Paul MN is viewed as a safe and effective method for long-term hair removal.

Laser hair removal ST Paul MN works the best on patients who have lighter skin tones and hair that is of a darker color. The technician aims pulses of light at the hair follicles, which destroys the hair follicle but not the skin. The laser can detect the difference in pigment much easier than a person of a darker skin color or with a person with fair skin and blond hair. Because the hair follicles need to be intact for the laser to detect them, clients should avoid waxing or plucking those hairs in the six weeks preceding their laser appointment.

During Laser Hair Removal St Paul MN treatment, the technician at Academic Dermatology will have you wear protective eye wear and will smooth a protective gel on your skin. Each pulse of the laser treats quite a few hairs at once, so after three to five treatments, patients should start seeing hair loss. Laser treatment is not permanent hair removal, but it is long-term hair removal. Some patients are done after five sessions or so, and some patients take more sessions to reach the look they want. Because it isn’t permanent, the hair may grow back in a few years, and patients will need to get additional treatments every so often to maintain the look.

Another kind of treatment available at dermatology clinics is mohs surgery. This is not a cosmetic surgery, but a medical one. It’s very precise type of surgery that is used to remove skin cancers. Dermatologists have to take additional training to practice Mohs micrographic surgery. It involves using color codes to map out the tumor, removing it, and examining it under a microscope all on the day of the surgery. The doctor will thoroughly check the tissue margins around the tumor to make sure it’s completely removed.

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