Making a Storm Damage Insurance Claim in Queens, NY

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Insurance Agent

If you have been recently affected by storm damage in Queens, NY, you will need to file an insurance claim promptly. The key to making a successful claim is to document the damage in detail. Taking photos and videos will provide the evidence your insurance provider will require. Date and time stamp your documents, as this will give a detailed timeline. Be sure to include internal and external damage.

It’s All In The Detail

Make the time to read your insurance policy thoroughly. This will help you when making your claim. You will be able to understand the losses your policy will compensate you for. This could include emergency accommodation; perhaps you had to vacate your property because of the storm damage. Remember to keep all receipts, as many insurance providers will cover expenses for things you might not have considered. An example of this could be the purchase of plywood boards used to cover broken windows. Preparation and patience are paramount when completing the claim process.

Contact Your Provider

To make a successful claim after storm damage insurance claims in Queens, NY, contact your insurance provider. They will have experts on hand to talk you through the claim process. Have them explain to you how to complete their forms if you are unsure. Providers may have additional requirements; for example, an inspector may need to assess your property damage. Listen to your provider’s expert advice; this will ensure peace of mind when it comes to making your claim.

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