new residential roofing in Milwaukee

by | Jun 24, 2021 | Home Improvement

It is exciting to buy a home that needed a lot of work and watch as it completely changes for the better. While there are many projects that are done that improve the appearance of a home, there are also many that improve its value. Getting a new roof does both. If you are thinking about working with residential roofing in Milwaukee company in the near future, here are a couple of things that you will want to include in the contract for a new roof installation.

No matter how much you trust a contractor, you need to be sure that everything is down in writing. Having a contract is a protection for you and the residential roofing in Milwaukee company. It lays out what you should expect with the project and gives the contractor a guide to follow throughout the process of installing the roof.

You should know exactly how much you will pay for the roofing project. You should also know when payments will be made and if any conditions apply to the payments.

The contract serves as a guarantee of how the work should be done. You should know how long the contractor will guarantee their work and how long the roofing materials will be under warranty. There should be a full description of the materials that will be used on your roof. There should also be information that shows how the roofer will be in compliance with the terms laid out on how certain materials need to be installed.

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