Railroad Workers in Chicago Are at Risk for Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)

by | Mar 25, 2022 | Law

Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) refers to a cancer within the human body in which the cells in bone marrow that are in charge of creating blood become abnormal. Railroad workers with MDS often deal with the condition due to their exposure to toxic chemicals found in diesel fuel. Due to the work-related nature of their exposure, railroad workers often seek legal help after they realize they have contacted MDS.

Why MDS Is Dangerous

People with MDS do not have blood cells that work properly and do not have enough healthy cells in their blood. As a result, many patients will see MDS develop into bone marrow cancer.

MDS, Benzene and Railroad Workers

Working for railroads constantly exposes individuals to a variety of hazards. One of the deadliest is the toxic chemical known as benzene. Diesel fuel contains benzene and is the primary fuel handled by railroad workers. Even exposure to low levels of benzene has been linked to railroad workers developing MDS.

Other MDS Causes for Railroad Workers

Railroad workers with MDS may have been exposed to ammonia, mercury, lead, farm-related chemicals, and solvents. Any of these can contribute to the development of MDS.

Legal Help for Railroad Workers Who Have Developed MDS

Multiple successful legal suits have been won against employers by railroad workers who developed MDS as a result of working in the railroad. In some cases, the railroad worker died from their condition, and their loved ones were able to successfully sue on their behalf. If you or a loved one is suffering from MDS after working for a railroad company, you should contact legal representation immediately to discuss your case.

Hughes Law Offices provide Diesel Injury Law services and can be contacted.

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