Reasons Why You Need to Invest in Commercial Turf Aeration Devices

by | Feb 17, 2021 | Agricultural Service

Not everyone uses aeration devices, but all lawns can benefit from them. When you use commercial turf aeration devices, you will have an overall healthier growing area on your farm. This guide will help you to understand the benefits of choosing commercial aeration devices.

Combat Compaction

One of the greatest enemies of a healthy farm is compaction. When your soil is compacted, the roots meet resistance from the soil when they attempt to grow. If you live in areas that experience extreme changes in temperature, or if you have soil that dries out very easily, a commercial aeration turf device will help put air into the soil. This will allow your roots to have somewhere to grow. Turf aeration devices also combat against compaction on growing areas that have seen a lot of traffic from feet, animals, or farm equipment.

Turf Aeration Can Assist in Areas With New Buildings

If you’ve had a new barn, silo, or other building constructed, you may want to aerate the turf around your building. When a building is constructed, the top layer of soil is stripped, and the frequent traffic ends up causing the soil to be compacted. A simple commercial turf aeration device can restore the soil so that it is ready to receive seeds.

Aeration Times Are Flexible

Some farmers choose to aerate their feels immediately after the growing season is over. Other farmers choose to aerate their turf immediately before the growing season begins. Both of these options will allow for greater root growth and will fill in any empty areas in the soil from the previous season’s roots.

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